Zoom Purpose Groups
Pastor Ken’s Fall sermon series, “MasterClass,” will take a deeper look at the 5 biblical purposes God has for our lives. As you dig deeper into the Word and discover what you were created for, know that together we can find our God given purposes in His Kingdom.
From mid-September thru the end of October, our pastoral team, ministry directors, ministry leaders, and faithful church members will lead small groups online that will offer an opportunity for fellowship and connection as they discuss Pastor Ken’s weekend message. We encourage you to join a small group today!
Click here to view the weekend message, sermon notes, and life group materials.
View the videos on this page that provide helpful lessons on how to open a Zoom account, schedule meetings, and more!
To join a small group, click here.
For more information, or to become a small group leader, please contact Deanna Ortiz at the Church Office at (408) 267-4691. The office is open M-F from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For technical assistance with Zoom, please call the Cathedral of Faith Zoom Hotline at (408) 905-8227. The hotline is open Monday – Friday from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Contact Us
Office Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Address: 2315 Canoas Garden Ave., San Jose, CA 95125
Tel: 408.267.4691