Scripture: Proverbs 17:22
Alisa Foreman


“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”


It’s true, isn’t it…when we’re happy, all is well with the world, and we feel capable, energetic, light,
ready to tackle whatever comes our way, positive it will all work out. That influence of a cheerful heart
is good medicine, for our own physical body, for our families, and for the church body.
But life happens, we all have our share of challenges, disappointments, trouble. We can get overwhelmed by
those circumstances, and our spirit broken, making every day a strength-sapping trudge through waist-deep mud.
It affects our health and impacts those around us.


So how do we heal our broken spirit, and restore a cheerful heart? For me, it’s about two things…truth and surrender. I cannot expect to maintain a cheerful heart based on my circumstances. They change. All the time. So I have to surrender my gaze from my circumstances back up to what never changes, the blessing of truth of the word of God. I am His daughter, He is my healer, He is my provider, in Him I have hope and a future…I renew my mind, meditate on His word, count those blessings. His word brings healing, and life for my spirit.

Heavenly Father, speak life to my dry bones, to my crushed spirit today. I need You. Speak to my heart through your living word, and renew my strength! Through your power and your provision my every need is met, and I receive your joy. Thank you for the blessing of life found in You, thank you for the good medicine of a cheerful heart!




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